© 2021 by MANTA POINT
5 Rhythms
“Cecile manages to attract great and warm dancers and movers in her classes. I always felt welcomed by everyone, like if in these few hours of dance I would simply fly back home, the home where my family and closest friends live. When I go to work the day after, nowadays my colleagues notice I spent the evening dancing at Cecile's.
Life is harsh sometimes and I cannot promise that dancing will be the solution to all problems, but it is definitely a great instrument to find positive ways to deal with them. It just reminds you that you exist, you have a role, you can move, go, jump and come back at your own pace, and that you are an important being and without you that dance (that group, that moment, that life) would not have been the same.” Emmanuela B.
“Cecile is a magician of dance and music, putting intuition and love in her work to the best benefits of the dancers. I am thankful for her ability to bring back to life all the cells of my body through her intuitive teaching. Cecile is moving meditation, restoring peace and joy in my body and soul. Thank you, Cecile!” Christoph S.
“Cécile hoort bij de laatste lichting 5 ritmes teachers. Heel krachtig, een beetje animaal, zet zij haar eigen stijl neer. Elke 5 ritme-sessie haalt ze je opnieuw uit uw hoofd, brengt zij u in uw lichaam. Elke sessie die ze geeft zie je haar groeien en zie je haar groep groeien. Krachtig, energiek en dynamisch. Een aanrader!” Jan Ph.
"Für mich sind die Dienstag-Abende bei Cécile ein Anker in einer persönlich schwierigen Zeit des Umbruchs. Es tut mir unglaublich gut und bereitet mir große Freude, zu tanzen, allein und mit den anderen. Danach fühle ich mich lebendig und wohl mit mir. Vielen Dank, Cécile!" Stefanie P.
Coaching and Training
“My coaching sessions with Cecile have become an integral part of my professional life since I first started working with her in 2010. Despite time zone differences and many conversations taking place over the phone I get a lot out of each session. We cover a wide range of topics including professional challenges such as dealing with high workload and stress or improving the collaboration with supervisors and peers or managing team members – Cecile’s ability to listen, reflect and guide me towards finding the best way for myself is unsurpassed.” Mark G.
“Cecile is conducting several workshops of personal development and she does a great job! She is a very talented person with high integrity and a very innovative approach to personal development. I do warmly recommend her work. » Fred D.