© 2021 by MANTA POINT

The practice
5Rhythms is a dynamic movement practice created in the United States by Gabrielle Roth (1941-2012) and now practiced all over the world.
There are no steps to learn, no choreography. Our spontaneous movement roots itself in our sensations and our energy as they unfold. The practice is a dynamic way to both move and to meditate in the same breath.
Soft and receptive, powerful and expressive, explosive, free, light and playful, meditative, our movement is created instinctively, always anew, deep and alive.
5Ryhthms is a practice of being in our body—that ignites aliveness and awareness, inspires creativity, nurtures connection and extends to the community. An exploration and an encounter with oneself, the other one and the group. A practice to release tensions, befriend our energies and emotions, build our confidence, dare relationships, play and share the freedom and the simple pleasure of dancing!
This practice is not aiming for any aesthetic or artistic result and requires no special physical fitness or experience. Only matters the intention to be fully present in the moment and to give shape and movement to life flowing through us!
You are invited to experience the joy of your
free, spontaneous and unique dance!
Why practice?
We practice to be whole and include it all. There is no mind, emotions and feelings without body, no body without breath and no breath without movement.
We dance to create space, flexibility and fluidity, to re-member and honor our feet, hips and spine, heart, hands and head.
We practice to come to our senses and re-learn how to experience fully the moment as it unfolds.
We practice to be rooted, centered, at home in our own skin; to trust our power and heart fully contribute in the world.
We dance to embrace our creativity and our intuition.
We dance to celebrate life!
“Do you have the discipline to be a free spirit?”
Gabrielle Roth